Why should you TRANSFORM with TannenbaumTech?
Many people think using technology in the elementary classroom is a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Using technology in the elementary classroom is all about the opportunities it gives both students and educators.
Empower student voice using Universal Design for Learning and technology tools including generative AI.
Create artifacts of learning to demonstrate mastery of learning
Promote student agency and develop digital learners
Based on Debbie’s book, TRANSFORM: Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky, this keynote focuses on:
Discovering “ TRANSFORM” tech tools that offer your students new and innovative ways to learn
Implementing these tech tools to focus on creation and to promote student agency
Empowering yourself using technology tools to make your professional learning sticky.
Promote a deeper understanding of mathematics through student discourse.
Empower your young learners by building their confidence as they share their own math thoughts, understand each other’s perspectives and explore multiple ways to solve problems.
Discover ways that you can create transformative math learning experiences for elementary students by giving them ways to visualize math, use multimodal learning, and then empower our students to interact with their classmates' math thinking.
See how technology tools like Desmos, Flip, Wixie and Flashcard Factory can help you tech up your math instruction.
3 hour session- Appropriate for K-5 Teachers Administration, Coaches, etc.
Promote creation, collaboration and critical thinking within your elementary classrooms.
Ensure that educators and students have the skills to be digital learners.
Examine the vital role that student agency can play when using technology tools and gain strategies that will promote your students’ becoming more independent digital learners.
Delve into best practices for identifying and implementing technology tools with young learners.
See how Debbie’s 3 Cs for Cultivating Digital Learners can provide your students choices using technology tools and use these tools to provide our students with Universal Design for Learning.
3 hour session- Appropriate for K-5 Teachers Administration, Coaches, etc.
Project Zero’s Thinking Routines promote students' thinking by making their thinking visible.
Discover when and how using technology tools can amplify these routines and promote equity in your classroom.
Appropriate for K-5 Teachers Administration, Coaches, etc.
Create transformative learning experiences in math using technology .
See how technology tools like Desmos, Flip, and Flashcard Factory can help you tech up your math instruction.
Appropriate for K-5 Teachers Administration, Coaches, etc
Discover easy ways to promote student agency using tech tools by explicitly teaching students icons and giving them the tools they need to navigate a digital world.
Appropriate for Early Learning Educators, Administration, Coaches, etc
Learn how by using principles of UDL with technology tools, you can give your students opportunities to share their voices in interactive ways.
Help students to develop the ISTE Standards for Students and include all learners.
Appropriate for K-5 Administration, Coaches, etc
Learn about how Desmos Classroom can engage today's elementary age learners.
Discover how you can use this dynamic tool to help your students to visualize math, to use multimodal thinking and to promote interaction.
Appropriate for K-5, Administration, Coaches, etc.
Learn about Tannenbaum Tech's Essential 3 Cs- Choice, Collaborative and Clickable
Develop a more creation centered classroom using tools like Pear Deck’s Flashcard Factory, Book Creator, and Canva.
Appropriate for K-5 Administration, Coaches, etc
Debbie offers both full and half day live packages, in addition to several virtual options. Her series and sessions can be customized to meet your school or district's unique needs.
To set up a time for a complimentary consultation where we can determine what best meets your needs, please complete this form.
Check out what teachers from Freeport School District shared after their TannenbaumTech sessions this summer.
Educational Technology Learning Opportunity (ETLO)- FCPS (Virtual- FCPS)
Tuesday, January 14th: Discover How You Can Tech Up the Math in Elementary School 4:30-5:30 PM EST
Infinitec Webinar
Wednesday, January 15th: Creating Artifacts of Learning in Elementary School using Thinking Routines and Tech Tools 4:00-5:30 PM EST
Saturday, February 1: Building Blocks to Cultivate Digital Learners 11:30 AM-12:30 PM CST in Ballroom A
Sunday, February 2: Transforming Elementary Math Classrooms using Digital Tools 8:00- 11 AM CST in Room 8 ABC
Monday, February 3: Littles Can Collaborate (Even with Digital Tools) 1:30-2:30 PM CST in Ballroom D
Tuesday, February 4: Creating Artifacts of Learning in Elementary Classrooms with Thinking Routines 11:30 AM- 1 2:30 PM CST in Ballroom E
VITAL Conference (Virtual)
Saturday, February 8th:
Cultivating Digital Learners and Creators is VITAL in Elementary Classrooms 9:15-10:00 AM
Discovering How to Tech Up the Math is VITAL in Elementary School 10:15-11:00 AM
Empowering Accessible and Engaging Learning using UDL and Tech Tools is VITAL 11:15 AM-12PM
Innovative Schools Summit (New York City, NY)
Friday, February 14: Building Digital Learners and Creators 11:15 AM-12:15 PM Julliard Complex, 5th floor
Innovative Schools Summit (Orlando, FL)
Friday, March 21st: Inclusive Innovation: UDL and AI Tools for Student-Centered Learning Workshop 8:00-11 AM
Book Creator Webinar (Virtual)
Thursday, April 17th: Creating Artifacts of Learning in Elementary Classrooms with Thinking Routines 12:00 PM EST
ISTE/ASCD 2025 (San Antonio, TX)
Monday, June 30: Creating Artifacts of Learning: Amplify Thinking Routines with Digital Tools 8:30-9:00 AM CST
Tuesday, July 1: Inclusive Innovation: UDL and AI Tools for Student-Centered Learning 3:00-4:00 PM CST
Wednesday, July 2: Littles Can Collaborate (Even with Digital Tools) 10:00-11:00 AM CST
Innovative Schools Summit (Las Vegas, NV)
Tuesday, July 8: Inclusive Innovation: UDL and AI Tools for Student-Centered Learning Workshop 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Upstate Technology Conference (Greenville, SC) *FEATURED SPEAKER*
Tuesday, July 15: Sessions to be determined