Happy New Year! It has been a long time since I last published a blog, but today- it just felt right. After starting today attending one of the hardest fitness classes that I had attended all year and persevering through it, I started to reflect on 2024. I went back to the Project Zero Thinking Routines that I have used the past couple of years, Compass Points and Generate, Sort, Connect, Elaborate, and started writing.
This past year has been full of so many amazing moments that I will treasure the rest of my life, but it has also been full of challenges. This year, I learned how to be my biggest advocate: both personally and professionally in many ways.
I achieved my health goal and lost 77 pounds and began my maintenance journey.
I challenged myself to try new classes at the gym.
I got published several times this year.
My son started his first job and my daughter started college.
I won several awards including ISTE 20 to Watch and VATLL Impact Awards.
Reflecting on my #oneword 2023: #author
Back on December 31, 2023, I shared my blog post all about my #oneword2024 #author. To determine my #oneword2025, I used the two thinking routines, one to determine what my #oneword2025 would be and another to reflect on my 2024 year. To the left is my Generate, Sort, Connect and Elaborate from last year. As I did this last December, it became obvious to me that as I sorted them, they came under three different buckets:
Dedicating time to writing and creating content
Celebrating personal milestones
Pursuing Professional Growth Opportunities
What did all three of these buckets have in common, I wondered as the answer flashed before my eyes- they all had to do with stories. But story didn't feel right either. Then I thought about who writes stories and there it was- "author."
So as I get ready to close out my 2024, I decided to do a similar process for past year's reflection and next year's planning. My Compass Points for 2024 is shown to the right and provides a great overview of my year as a whole, but let's dig a little deeper into each quadrant this week.
What excited me about 2024
As I started writing, so many exciting professional things started to bubble to the surface. This year, I worked really hard to not only tell my story, but to celebrate it. I was so proud and honored to not only give my first IGNITE talk on the ISTE Mainstage, but also to win an ISTE 20 to Watch Award this past year. I got my work published many times including in Educational Leadership, Edutopia, and Edsurge. I also started working on my second book and searching for my "just right" publisher.
Personally, I got my health back in check so that I could enjoy watching my son graduate college and my daughter graduate high school. Both of my kids started their next chapters in life and I am so proud of them. My husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary with a wonderful California trip, But most of all, I learned so much about being an advocate for myself.
What worried me about 2024
When I consider what worried me about 2024, a few things stood out. As I work to develop my business, funding my business was a concern. I had a few more paid gigs this year, but I continued to worry about this and how to best develop and nurture these opportunities. I also worried this year about maintaining my health and fitness. I have lost weight many times before and making it stick has always been a challenge for me. Last, with so many transitions in the past year, I worried how my family members and I would adjust to them.
Remembering 2024/ My Stance of 2024
My biggest takeaway from 2024 is to remember that doors closing can lead to new and unexpected doors opening. As my weight loss journey ended, I began my maintenance journey. That journey has included my new fitness journey. I can hardly believe that I regularly take Cycle classes (I even have cycle shoes), HIT classes like Alpha and GTX, and even enjoy yoga now. My fitness journey demonstrates to me each day that I can do hard things that challenge and scare me and persevere through them. The inner strength that this has given me has led to me being a better advocate for myself and examining how my attitude can and does influence the outcome.
Determining my #oneword2025
As I got ready to determine my #oneword2025, I considered reusing author again this year, but it didn't feel right. To be honest, I wasn't really sure what my word would be. So I went back to what I did in 2023 and 2024, I created a Generate, Sort, Connect, Elaborate and brainstormed all the ideas that came to mind when I considered 2025.
First, I brainstormed all the words and ideas that came to mind- as you can see, I had a lot. Next, I sorted them and found that they fell into 3 buckets.
Accomplishments from 2024 that will be implementing in 2025
Developing as an instructional leader
Growing and developing personally
As I finished this, I looked at what I had created and suddenly, I knew what my #oneword2025 would be-
Revealing my #oneword2025: IMPACT
As the word, impact, popped into my head, I considered what this word means. I went to dictionary.com to continue my research. Once again, I had selected a word that functioned as both a noun and a verb. When I looked at it as a noun, "An impact is influence, effect." Then, I found the definition of it as a verb, " to have an impact or effect on; influence; alter:" This captured my ideas perfectly.
In 2025, I want to be someone who impacts and influences other educators through the opportunities and awards I earned in 2024.
In 2025, I want to amplify my impact as an instructional leader on elementary educators and the students they serve.
In 2025, I will develop, nurture and grow personally to positively impact myself and my famuly.
Next Steps
Have you chosen an #oneword2025? If so, I would love to hear what your word is. Consider sharing it in the comments below and explain how you determined it. It is not an easy process but so worthwhile. I think back to the words I have chosen in the last five years and how they guided my path during that year.
2020: Challenge
2021: Transformation
2022: Momentum
2023: Develop
2024: Author