#oneword2022 Midyear Reflection

Last week, Pamela Hall tagged me in a Twitter post asking me about how my #oneword2022 has been going? I have to admit it was perfect timing- after getting COVID in May, getting a new job and attending/presenting at ISTE in June, and more, I needed to check in with my #oneword2022, #momentum.   2022 has been an interesting year to say the least and it has definitely had its ups and downs. As I get ready to start my new position as Saratoga's SBTS (School Based Technology Specialist) this Wednesday, a midyear reflection was definitely in order.

My #oneword2022: #momentum

As I began 2022, I set four mini goals to keep my momentum going and build on it in 2022. They were:

Continue and recommit to my health journey by moving more and eating healthy

Why is this one SO hard for me? It seems like every time that I reflect on my goals this one is a struggle. After getting injured in November, I began 2022 on the mend. I was starting to work out but as 2022 continued, I truly lost momentum on this one. And when I got COVID in May, I was struggling just to get through the days as the school year closed. Then, we were off to New Orleans and although I moved A LOT, I was not engaged in my health journey. Now half way through 2022, I need to recommit to build my momentum and get back to what worked for me in the past. 

Grow and enhance my leadership skills as an educator by engaging in experiences that will help me broaden my perspective

I am definitely proud of what I have accomplished for this one. So far in 2022, I have continued to work on my ISTE certification. (Yes, I have 2 months left to turn in my portfolio and need to set aside time for that.) In addition, I attended conferences to learn new things and add to my educator toolbox. Recently, I helped to plan our district's summer conference. Plus this week, I am starting a brand new position that will help me to grow and enhance my leadership skills.

Create content that empowers other educators through speaking, classes, blogging and writing

2022 has been a busy year for me as far as content creation was concerned. This year, I presented at many in-person and virtual events. Some of the in-person highlights include FETC22, TCEA22, NCTies22, and ISTE22. I also added another book to my Amazon author profile. Released on June 13, 2022, I am so proud to be a contributing author for Amplifying Instructional Design by Dr. Matt Rhoades and Becky Lim. In addition, I began working with Constellation Learning to launch a book study of my book, TRANSFORM-Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky  which I hope to formally start in the coming weeks.

Engage in daily reflection to improve my practice and focus on gratitude

Much like my health journey, this mini goal's implementation has been inconsistent. Although I go through periods where my commitment to this is better- I need to set up a routine for reflection and self care in general that I can fully commit to. Yes, there is so much that I am grateful for, but I don't take the time needed to fully reflect on it often enough. As I start this new chapter of my educational journey this week, this is something that I need to be mindful of.

Work in Progress

So Pam- yes, I remember my #oneword2022! But thank you so much for the reminder to take the time to reflect, refocus, and reconnect. I am so fortunate to have such an amazing Professional Learning Network to not only support me, but keep me accountable. It was a much needed reminder and I am excited to see where the rest of 2022 will lead and the possibilities and opportunities it holds. It might be half-time for 2022, but the year is far from over. Time to take my #momentum to the next level!