Transformation Check-In #4 @ 84 days- 3/25/2021
It seems hard to believe but today is day 84, 12 weeks, about 3 months since I started my #oneword 2021. As I look back at all the goals I set for myself under the mantra of TRANSFORMATION, there are definitely some that I have been making more process on than others. Last week, I finished reading The One Thing by Gary Keller. In this book, he shares that the most successful and productive people have ONE big thing that they focus on and spend time focusing on one small thing at a time in order to create a domino effect that will lead them to accomplish that ONE big thing. As I reviewed my list of six goals, I wondered- What was my ONE THING? What was the ONE thing or PURPOSE that I am striving for? Why am I doing the things I do each day? What is truly my PRIORITY or that one small thing that I am focusing on?
My ONE THING- that seems simple at first as I turned to my WHY.
To work collaboratively with other educators to use technology tools to amplify student learning and empower student voice
But as I looked at my WHY, I realized that this was really just one piece of my vision- my goal for what drives my passion. So I went to review the four foundational pillars that I had identified while taking Lindsay's Ignite Your Legacy course.
Risk Taking: I want to empower educators to take risks using technology that help them amplify student learning and empower student voice.
Connection: I want to create a community of educators that support each other in this risk taking and share ideas not only to help all of our students succeed, but to foster a safe place to explore.
Creativity: I want to inspire educators to not only create with their students using technology, but empower them to create and share as well.
Commitment: I want to demonstrate my commitment to this work and build a supportive embedded professional development framework that isn't just one and done, but a community of learning.
Those pillars are the foundation of TannenbaumTech and as I looked at them, I knew that they truly encompassed my ONE THING- the brand and business I am building.
So what could be the one small thing to start focusing on? My website called out to me as the place to focus on. I needed to focus on setting up a website that would be a resource for educators who wanted to learn more about transformative educational technology for both their students and themselves. After all, it houses all of my content- it is a growing and living site that documents this journey. So many of my TRANSFORMATION goals relate to this and maybe I needed to look at my goals related to my one small thing and prioritize the habits that will help me create this resource.
With that in mind, each of the habits I had identified became essential to this purpose. I needed to spend time each day learning more about edupreneurship and ways to grow my resources. In addition, I would need to reflect regularly and continue to add valuable content to my blog. This would mean regularly engaging in a TRANSFORM mindset. In addition, to have the energy to accomplish all of these things, I would need to be healthy.
In the past three months, I have started every day with reading. As I read each day, I jot down highlights of what I have learned. As of today, I have read 13 books and am in the process of reading book #14. This past month, I added 3 books to this total- Fight Song by Kim Bearden, Personal and Authentic by Thomas Murray, and The One Thing by Gary Keller. These books have helped me to grow, broaden my horizons, and empowered me to take next steps.
In addition each day, I reflect and write. Many days, I work on writing my blog, while other days, I work on my book and other passion projects. As of today, I have written twenty-seven blog posts, averaging a post every three days. This morning time has really helped to center me and keep my focus.
Living the TRANSFORM mindset, this year has been full of so many amazing moments. These moments would have never happened if I hadn't taken a leap, pushed myself past the fear, and explored where it would take me.
In the past twelve weeks, I have signed a publishing contract to publish my book. In addition, I have virtually presented at ten conferences/webinars as of tonight. Moreover, I stretched myself and joined the Ignite Your Legacy course with Lindsay Titus. Finally, I recorded three podcast episodes and these are just some of the highlights!
Focusing on this part of self care has historically been more of a struggle for me. In the past twelve weeks, I have been working hard to be more active and make healthier choices, but if I am being honest, this is an area that I need to do better at- I am not where I want to be YET. During the month of March, I struggled to maintain consistency with these goals. I stopped getting in my runs and have not been as mindful with my food choices.
As I get ready to enter this next quarter of the year, many exciting things lay ahead. In the next few weeks, my book will be published and out for the world to see. I will get to present at many conferences, including my very first keynote. Here are just a few of the places where we can learn together in the coming weeks.
Desiree Alexander Webinar- Creating with Littles on April 3rd at 12 noon
ITEC conference (2 prerecorded sessions)
BRAINSTORM Keynote- TRANSFORM- Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky on April 14th at 4 PM EST
Code Breaker Power Summit- Amplifying Thinking Routines with Technology Tools on April 24th at 10:25 AM EST
Wixie Webinar- Amplifying Thinking Routines with Wixie on May 5th at 7 PM EST