It seems hard to believe that we are 168 days or 24 weeks into my #oneword2021 transformation.  When I set out for this year to be a year of TRANSFORMATION, I had no idea how true it would be. It just reinforces that many times, we see what we are looking for. I was truly looking for ways to take the strides of 2020 from CHALLENGE to the next level and I have. I have embraced the new identities and live them every day. I am an author and blogger. I am a speaker. I am fit and eat healthy foods to nourish my body. I am a reflective reader. I am ME!

Over the course of the past five weeks, I have ramped up my health transformation efforts. I added working out three times a week last month. A week ago, I completed Month 1 of my new fitness habits. That month included 12 workouts and 8 walks on non-training days. I feel stronger than ever after this accomplishment. I found that working out became therapeutic. When I was working out, I had to focus on what I was doing and by doing so, it cleared my mind. Plus, it had nothing to do with education or educational technology, sometimes, we even need to take a break from things we love.  

After this success, I decided to level up my efforts. As I began Week 5 of my fitness transformation this week, I added a fourth workout each week and started adding nutrition counseling to my plan. So far,  my small, strategic efforts have really been paying off health-wise. I can really see a difference in pictures already.  I am so excited to see how amping my fitness and health habits will pay off in the coming month. 

In the last four weeks, I have definitely learned a lot.  In my daily reading time, I have read some amazing books. 

In addition, I have continued to reflect each day using Lindsay Titus' 90 day journal. I love starting each day with her mirror moments. Reflecting each morning on what I am grateful for has helped me to be more mindful each day of the blessings in my life. I end each day with celebrations. I love bookending my days in this way. I have also continued to blog regularly, every 3 days. I love this practice- it has helped me to grow tremendously.

The TRANSFORM mindset has become my daily mindset. It is how I live each day. I embrace fear and am consistently pushing my limits each day. This mindset has led me to do things that I would have never imagined before. I now own a business, TannenbaumTech LLC, set up a business banking, and even sent out my first invoice. I have continued to share my messages at conferences. So far, this month, I have presented at 5 conferences alone, with 3 more to follow including ISTE21 Live . My book, TRANSFORM-Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky came out and I am truly humbled by the way other educators have embraced it. I started a weekly email  newsletter and recently added a Facebook group. I wake up every day excited about the possibilities each day holds.  I truly love what I do and how I get to connect, inspire and learn from other educators each day/

Life is made up of the culmination of many small moments.   As I said my mirror moment this morning, 

"I declare who I am with ease in this moment. I am proud of who I am and who I get to be each day!" 

168 days in, I love who I AM each day and the TRANSFORMATION of not only my mindset, but my spirit and my being.  I truly LOVE being ME and I choose the Road to Awesome each and every day!