Three Tech Tips
As I shared more than two months ago, I wanted to ensure that I was sharing tech tips regularly. Since that initial post, I have been posting Did You Know? Tech Tips about twice a month I have really enjoyed adding this bimonthly series into my blog posts and it has truly amplified my WHY- to empower educators to use technology in transformative ways to amplify student learning.
Tech Tip #1: Shameless Plug- Subscribe to my weekly email newsletter
In addition to these regular blog series, I have been sending out a weekly newsletter to my email subscribers. Both of these regularly scheduled posts have definitely been a work in progress. This week, I am very excited to refresh the look and flow of my weekly emails so that they are consistent with my mission and vision.
If you haven't joined my email subscriber list, click here to join this learning community.
Tech Tip #2: Supporting ALL students with Tech Tools
This past weekend, I got the opportunity to attend EdChange Global 2021. Since most of this virtual conference was during my "off time," I got the chance to attend some amazing sessions. One of those sessions was by Katie Nieves Licwinko (@Ms_KatieNieves). Her session was all about ways to use Google Workspace to create a supportive classroom for ALL learners. Although Katie shared tools I was familiar with, I loved how she added new ways to use those tools.
One of my favorite things that she shared was giving 0 point quizzes using Google forms, so that students could see if they got the "correct" answer, but the focus was on the feedback provided. I also appreciated the strategies she shared for student accountability while using collaborative documents. I am so glad that I attended her sessions and definitely plan to incorporate many of her suggestions in the coming year. Check out more of her great ideas at
Tech Tip #3: Get "techy" with it
This past week, I also got to attend We Video's Creator Community Summit! My friend and fellow blogger, Fonz Mendoza had a great session all about his mission- amplifying creativity. I had connected with Fonz through social media during the Google Certified Innovator application process and this spring, I was honored to be on his podcast. We have so much in common- we could talk for hours. I love his commitment to amplifying creativity and how he promotes this using digital tools. During the session, one thing in particular really resonated with me. He shared how he told his students to just "get techy with it." I loved this. Sometimes, we just have to start and experiment. As I have been training my teachers how to use Schoology the past week, I tell then that they need to play to learn- but getting techy with it, that takes it to a new level.