Are you ready to TRANSFORM learning this fall? I am so excited about all of the opportunities that are coming up in the next few months and I can't wait to share them with you. Check out the amazing opportunities below and choose one or more to help you on your classroom TRANSFORMATION. I would love to hear what takeaways you have from them.
HAABSE Virtual Conference- September 11, 2021
Take some time and join this FREE virtual conference on Saturday, September 11th sponsored by the Houston Area Alliance of Black School Educators. Enjoy a variety of 30 minute sessions followed by 10 min question and answer times from 9 AM - 12 PM CST. I am super excited to be sharing my TRANSFORM- Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky session among all the other amazing sessions as we re-envision education and lead the fight against normalcy. Register at
Silver State Conference: Virtual- September 18-19, 2021
The following weekend, the Nevada Society of Innovators and Digital Educators is hosting a 2 day virtual conference. This organization's mission is to "encourage, nurture, support, and promote innovative strategies involiving exisiting and emerging technologies to prepare children for the workforce of tomorrow. I am so excited to be presenting 3 sessions at this conference. on Saturday, September 18th:
TRANSFORM- Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky at 11:10 AM-12:10 PM PST
Amplifying Thinking Routines using Technology Tools at 3:00-4:00 PM PST
Creating with Littles at 4:10-5:10 PM PST
Registration is just $40.00 for the live event and for $45.00, you get access to the live event and the replays for 90 days! Register at
TannenbaumTech Workshop: Amplifying Thinking Routines with Technology Tools - 9/26/2021 at 10 AM EST
Last month, I held my first TRANSFORM workshop for TannenbaumTech. I was so happy to see so many educators register, This month, I am continuing these workshops, but this time, the workshop focuses on amplifying student thinking using thinking routines and how technology tools can help us do just that. Join me on Sunday, September 26th at 10 AM. Register for FREE and join us live or I can send you the recording after the event, Register here.
ISTE Creative Constructor Lab- October 16-18
A few weeks later, ISTE is hosting their Creative Constructor Lab. I attended this event last year and it was phenomenal. Check out my 10/4/2020 post where I share all about Wandering into Creativity This year, the ISTE CCL is once again virtual and I am super excited to be sharing one session on Sunday, October 17th- Empowering Our Littles to Create from 1:30-2:20 PM EST. Registration to the live event is closed but you can still register for the CCL replay here.
PCTELA 2021: Saturday, October 22nd
With so many events going on in October, don't forget to mark this one on your calendar as well. The Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts is hosting a hybrid conference from Saturday, October 22nd-Sunday, October 23rd. For this conference, you can choose to attend in person for $125.00/day or online for $50.00. I am excited to be virtually presenting one prerecorded session on Amplifying Thinking Routines with Technology Tools at this conference. Register here.
Silver State Conference: Virtual (September 18-19)