It seems hard to believe that tomorrow begins May. April has truly been an awesome month. This month was full of some amazing moments.
I presented my first keynote at the Brainstorm VA conference.
I finished my first draft of my Amplify Learning chapter on engagement.
I completed "Ignite Your Legacy" with Lindsay Titus.
I began the process of setting up a LLC for TannenbaumTech.
I started sending our email newsletters to my mailing list.
I presented at so many amazing conferences: Code Breakers Power Summit, EDUC8on on Clubhouse, and for a Educator Alexander webinar.
I am so proud of all the gains I made this past month. I love all the new connections I have made. As I have been writing about all month, I am trusting myself more, growing from vulnerability and most of all, embracing fear as a sign of leveling up.
So as I look forward to May, I am excited to see what comes next. As far as presentations go, May is a quieter month so far. I have two presentations early in the month that should be a lot of fun.
Using Wixie to Amplify Thinking Routines: On Wednesday, May 5th, I am presenting another Wednesday Wixie Webinar. The last one was so much fun. This one includes ALL NEW content and shares ways to amplify thinking routines using Wixie. Feel free to join me and learn how two of my favorite things: Wixie and Thinking Routines can work together to amplify student learning. The webinar starts at 7 PM EST and is 30 minutes. Here is the link to attend (no registration required)
TRANSFORM: Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky: On Thursday, May 13th, I am presenting for Global GEG for the first time! I am sharing my presentation based on my upcoming book, "TRANSFORM- Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky." Please join me for this fun learning opportunity at 7 PM EST as we get closer and closer to my book launch. Here is the link to attend (no registration required.)
In addition to my presentations, my book is getting closer to being launched this month. Fingers crossed that May is when my book comes out in the world! I am so excited about this! In preparation for my book launch, I am going to use some of my blog posts in May as teasers for what's to come in the book. Expect each week to give you a taste of what you can expect when reading my book. Of course, I would love for all of you to get a copy, but my ultimate goal is to help educators and students grow from the opportunities that technology provides us.
In addition, please subscribe to my blog on the left for the latest updates on all things TannenbaumTech. I am now sending a weekly newsletter to all subscribers that includes two tech tips every week, a review of blog posts and ways to connect with me. This newsletter will also share in the coming weeks opportunities to preorder a signed copy of my book with some other goodies included.
Make the most of May and end the school year strong. Take advantage of opportunities to learn and grow. You got this and if you want any technology support, please reach out to me at . Let's set up a free technology coaching session and see how we can partner together to "transform learning" in your classroom and beyond.