There is a misconception that people who are growing and reaching new heights are never afraid, that they know all the answers and they just "get it." This could not be further from the truth. I used to think this way. I figured if I was scared that that was a sign that something was beyond my reach and I couldn't "go there." Those thoughts, those limiting beliefs, crippled me. They took the "what ifs" away from me. I grew up that way, thinking that some people just had it and I was just not one of those people. That led me to feeling paranoid and worried a lot.
The past twelve weeks, I have been engaged in the "Ignite Your Legacy" course with Lindsay Titus. These twelve weeks took my #oneword2020: CHALLENGE and #oneword2021: TRANSFORMATION to new levels. Before this course, I had begun to challenge myself more, because I saw that once I did, amazing things happened. I started presenting more and wrote a book. But until I went through this course, I didn't really understand the impact of fear in my journey. I didn't realize how by reframing my fear, I would learn to embrace it.
Yesterday, as I read my daily dose of inspiration in Lindsay's 90 day journal, it resonated with me. "It's time to make FEAR your FRIEND. FEAR is a sidekick always PRESENT." Last week, I shared how through "Ignite Your Legacy," I now view fear as a signal of getting ready to level up, The dose of inspiration continued, "If fear is your sidekick, it's time to allow TRUST to LEAD the way." This is so true. This past weekend, FEAR crept up inside of me and rather than letting it take control, I allowed TRUST to LEAD the way. I TRUSTED myself and went past that FEAR and was overjoyed by the results.
This past Saturday, I presented at the Code Breakers Power Summit. I was the third speaker, right after the awesome Jennifer George, the granddaughter of Rube Goldberg and amazing Charles Williams. As I watched their presentations, FEAR crept in. My presentation was different than both of theirs. It wasn't an inspirational speech, but a presentation that actively involves participants in exploration and reflection about using technology with thinking routines. What if I was doing it wrong? I paused and realized that I couldn't let FEAR get in the way. My presentation had been selected for a reason. I needed to TRUST myself and do what I do best.
So I went for it. I went all in and shared my heart as I presented one of my favorite topics. I oozed with enthusiasm as I shared we would be actively engaged in learning and reflection during the session. I went for it and shared my passion, my heart- and I am so glad that I did. I wasn't doing it wrong- I was doing it MY way, the only way I know and the way that makes it uniquely mine.
The feedback I got in the chat and a feedback survey reflected that.
This is like five presentations in one! Thinking routines and the four apps!I learned about more thinking routines. I also learned how to appsmash with different apps. It was great to be so interactive in this session - with Padlet and Jamboard .(Anne LeBlanc)
Great presentation! It is so informative and I can bring back these new ideas & use them on Monday with my littles! I am grateful for your expertise, Deb! Thanks for sharing! (Christine Bemis)
Thank you so much! Fun to connect and learn like this! Thinking routines are so important! (Sue Mylde)
Yes! Your energy is definitely on FIRE!! Fantastic presentation, Debbie! (Lisa Toebben)
This was great. A wealth of relevant information. (Lisa Golden)
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for giving an example of Kindergarten! Early Childhood Educators seldom get examples. (Johnny Chang)
WOW! So many ideas and tools. Thank you! (Kellie Bahri)
Thank you to everyone who attended this presentation. An even bigger thanks to all of you who shared all of this amazing feedback and your enthusiasm with me. I could actually feel myself leveling up as I presented. Even though I had presented this session many times before, it felt different as I pushed past the fear and choose to SHINE! Yes, I had added some new materials, but more than that, I knew I was igniting my legacy.
Igniting my legacy- in that past 12 weeks, I have learned so much about my own identity- who I was, who I want to be and who I am. I have identified my "Future Self" and am living into that self every day. I have identified my core pillars. I might not know every step that is on the way, but I TRUST in myself to make decisions that will get me there. I know that they might not all be "easy." But I now know that I can push past FEAR and SHINE.
Technology provides us as educators so many opportunities to SHINE. It allows us to connect and grow with other educators. If this past weekend showed me anything, it was that. With so many amazing opportunities to learn this weekend, it was all there for educators to grab! Don't be afraid to go for it! I learned so much this weekend, even if I felt like a pinball as I jumped between tabs, watching the Teach Better 12 Live and the Code Breakers Summit on Saturday. Luckily, they are all recorded, so if I missed something, I can watch it later. That means if you missed any of these amazing experiences, you can watch them later too!
Don't be afraid to embrace your fear and go past it. The morning of the presentation, this was in my 90 day journal as the daily dose of inspiration began. "Stepping outside of the COMFORT zone is where the MAGIC happens." Take a risk, and go outside of your comfort zone. Model it for your colleagues and students. Don't live your life in the "what ifs, " live your life in the "what can BE !"