Last week, I was so excited to see my friend, Rob Breyer, get his book published. Yes, part of that is knowing that another Road to Awesome book is out in the world, but even more so, it is because this book is an amazing resource for educators, especially aspiring school leaders. Like the Road to Awesome: A Journey for Kids, this book fills a void that we probably weren't even aware that existed. Why should becoming a school leader be a guessing game? I have heard so many aspiring leaders share the frustration as they pursue the next step. This book takes the guessing away and leads you through a path to where you belong.
In the past couple of years, even though I have no aspirations to go into school administration, I have read a lot of books focused on school leadership. Each one of them has helped me to grow as an educator and reflect on my own practice. Some have dealt with culture, while others dealt with leadership styles. But Rob's book is different- it is a guide that helps school leaders refine and clarify not only their messages, but provides a roadmap as you look to take that next step in your leadership journey.
From the moment you hold the book, you can see how different it is. It looks like a workbook in its design with its full 8.5 x 11 size pages. But the real magic happens when you open the book and see what's inside.
Rob's book is authentic. He begins by leading you through the interview process and discussing the idea of "fit." That idea of "fit" is so important because so many times as we search for the next step, we wonder "why?" if we didn't get a position, but we also need to consider fit. We all have worked at places where it was not the right fit. This is such an important consideration, not only for the school, but for yourself as well. Some times, it is hard to remember we aren't just trying to get A job, but find the RIGHT job.
The writer in me also loves all the reflection activities packed inside of this book. As we look for future opportunities, we really need to know who we are. Rob's book scaffolds that process for us. No matter what programs we have completed, we need to have a vision of what our leadership will look like. What is our why as a school leader? What strengths do we bring to the table? What do we need to further develop? These exercises help you as an educator to reflect on your practice and determine your best future steps. His book also helps you be a detective as you search for that next leadership opportunity. He helps you dig deep into school data. In order to craft your vision as a leader, you need to get a picture of what the school you are interviewing for stands for, what it looks like, how you can best meet their needs.
Definitely check this book out. A blog alone cannot do it justice. The reflection activities that he leads you through are powerful and will help you focus on who you are now, and who you want to be as a school leader. It will guide you as you determine your vision and mission as a school leader. It is not only practical, but includes hands-on activities to get you ready for your next step on your "Road to Awesome."