It seems hard to believe but today signifies 105 days of my TRANSFORMATION. So many amazing things have happened in the past 105 days or 15 weeks. I signed my first publishing contract with Road to Awesome LLC. I have presented at 11 virtual conferences so far this year. It has been truly awesome and yesterday was one of those examples.
I gave my first ever keynote at #VABrainstorm21. I have to admit that I was nervous going into it- I have done many breakout sessions, but a keynote, that sounded a lot scarier. Like most things, I recognized that my fear was a sign that I was leveling up and I embraced it. I was ready to go and even more, I was excited to share some of the messages from my upcoming book for the first time in a keynote. I was truly living the TRANSFORM mindset! The session went really well. I was so happy to see some familiar faces and also to meet and connect with some new ones. In addition, I was overcome by all the messages of encouragement and support that I received from my PLN on social media. I am truly living the messages of my keynote and empowering myself with sticky tech tools.
But the keynote was not the only way that I have been embracing the TRANSFORM mindset in the past 100 + days. So many exciting things have been happening lately. All of these things are both exciting and scary, That's what makes them all so wonderful.
Amplifying Learning- A Global Collaboration
I will be a contributing author for a global collaboration called Amplify Learning. This book that will be published in early 2022 by EduMatch features authors from around the world. Each author is focused on one aspect of learning. My chapter focuses on Student Engagement. Although I haven't done any academic research and/or writing in close to twenty years, I am really enjoying this process and learning so much about student engagement in the process. I can't wait to share this chapter with you in 2022.
In the last couple of weeks, my website has gone through many iterations. Working with members of my PLN like Jeff Gargas and Lindsay Titus, I have worked to refine the message of my website and my vision for each section. I have even created TannenbaumTech sticker. Here's a link if you would like some.
TRANSFORM- Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky
My book is in the final stages of editing and should be out next month! I am so excited about this! Recently, I got a chance to talk marketing with the amazing Rae Hughart. I can't wait to hold my own book and see it in the hands of others.
So far, in 2021, I have read 14 books. Each of them has taught me something and helped me to grow as an educator. I read for 10-15 minutes each day and then write for 30 minutes. In the past few weeks, I have read:
Fight Song by Kim Bearden
Personal and Authentic by Thomas Murray
The One Thing by Gary Keller
I am currently reading Engaging Students: The Next Level of Working on the Work by David Schlechty.
During my writing time, I have worked on book/chapter drafts, written blog posts and even written some articles. In 2021. I have written 34 blog posts (no, I don't write them in my sleep!)
As always, this is where I struggle the most. I keep trying to do the same things and cease to be surprised when they don't work. I use the excuse that I don't have the time, but what matters get done. I need to schedule more time for me to fit in activity and plan healthy meals. I know how important it is, but it is still difficult. I think I keep trying to change habits without really focusing on the identity and beliefs behind it. Maybe I need to try something that is totally different.
Now that I am totally aware of this, have acknowledged and accepted it- Any ideas for future action ? Maybe an accountability partner? After all, we are all better together