Don't just follow your Twitter feed- be part of it! June 29, 2019 

Updated 7/1/19

This is the second of several posts related to my #ISTE19 experience. In this week's post, I share ways that I amplified my #iste19 expeience through using my Twitter feed. 

In addition to the post below, I am taking #Classy Videos with @tonyvincent and our second week assignment was to make a narrated slide show using Adobe Spark. Using video is something that I have been exploring this summer- especially finding ways to make videos sticky, so that I can use them, not only for staff development, but also for student engagement and instruction. If you haven't taken this course yet, I absolutely recommend it. I have learned SO MUCH in just 2 weeks and look forward to new lesssons every Tuesday.

So being inspired by the post I wrote below, I decided to use this idea to make my narrated slide show. Here is what I created..

You can just follow it-

Attending a conference like #ISTE19, you can get lost in hashtags sometimes. When you are attending a conference with over 20,000 people, there is A LOT going on. It can get very overwhelming- at least that is how it felt to me. Even now, days after the conference, the #iste19 hashtag is filled with posts. 

So it could very easy to go back to your hotel after the event and scroll your Twitter feed. I know I have done it- and I am not saying it's a bad thing. Using your Twitter feed to find out about other things happening at the conference and build your #PLN is a good thing, but I learned during my conference experience, the power of being part of my Twitter feed.

Or better- Attend it!

Some times, you need to take a chance and be part of the action. It is interesting to me how many of the people I met at #ISTE19 described themselves as introverts or shy. I certainly felt that way. But going out of your comfort zone helps you to grow and empathize with both your students and teachers when they need to try new things. Besides, ISTE is only 4 days- four days with your tribe. Maybe it was just me, but I felt like everyone was super nice because inherently they were just as shy as me. 

Going to a CoffeeEdu events allow you to have a more informal experience connecting with both authors and other educators. Attending events where everyone has similar interests is a great way to build your #PLN.  

Even better- Tweet About It!

Attending these events is a great first step- but participate in the story of these events by tweeting out about them. Events like #FlipgridLIVE give you access to amazing app updates and more. Participating in an event like this links you to your community is a new ways. During #FlipgridLIVE, so many great updates were shared. I loved sharing my reflections and reactions as each new update amazed me more than the next.To learn more about the great updates that were announced at #FlipgridLIVE, check out this blog

These events also give you personalized connections to these vendors as you share your reactions to these updates and build more connections in your #PLN.

Best- Engage in It!

Tweeting during these events gets you involved in the content, but let's face it- the connections you make during conferences like these are most important.  During my ISTE experience, I went to several events that promoted connections.

Sunday night, I went to a EduPodNet Meetup at Pat's King of Steaks. Yes, I admit- it was very cool meeting my "eduheroes" and taking selfies with them, but it didn't stop there.  As we stood in line, we talked educational technology and got to know each other in a new way.  Wednesday morning, I went to an ISTE STEM Walk. As we walked from the Convention Center to the Art Museum steps, I didn't just walk- I met more educators; we connected in conversations as we moved. We were engaged in the event.

So as I move off of my soapbox, I want to thank everyone who was part of my #ISTE19 experience- whether it was by following you on Twitter, attending events together, tweeting together or engaging in events. All of you made my #ISTE19 experience richer. You gave me ideas. You clarified my thinking. You pushed me to take risks and you became a part of my EduTwitter family.

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