4-3-2-1 Summer PD Begins-June 15, 2019

This post is week 1 of 8 in the 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge for educators. This week's question is:

What are your professional learning goals this summer?

This summer, I have many goals for my professional learning. Each one is meant to help me increase my capacity in areas of learning I love. Here they are:

1. Be a Bold Educator Activating Change at #ISTE19 

2. Rock the Google Trainer Skills Assessment and prepare both my Google Trainer and Innovator applications

3.  Power Up with Visible Thinking at #WISSIT19

4. Take #ClassyVideos with Tony Vincent

1. Be a Bold Educator Activating Change at #ISTE19 

It has been close to 20 years since I last attended ISTE. Last year, I had major FOMO as my #eduheroes presented at #ISTE18. Last year, as I joined the #EduTwitter and #EduPodNet universes- I found a new rebirth and joy in my life as an educator. As a result, I became a School Based Technology Specialist and this year, with my #PLN, I went from solely consuming content to creating it in both my role and in my blog.

So how will #ISTE19 help me become a Bold Educator?

2. Rock the Google Trainer Skills Assessment and prepare both my Google Trainer and Innovator applications

This past year, I earned both my Level 1 and Level 2 Google for Education Certifications. I am nothing else if not a Googly girl. So nothing would make me happier than earning these 2 prestigious titles. 

1. Google Certified Trainer:

Back in May, I signed up for the Google Certified Trainer Academy at @ShakeUpLearning. I not only have completed all the modules, but am totally ready to take the Google Trainer Skills Assessment.

Now, I just need to set some time aside for the assessment and start working on my application. As an 11 month employee, summer is a great time to do this. 

2. Apply for the NYC Cohort as a Google Certified Innovator

Back in May, on the #HouseofEdTech, I heard @mrshowell24 talk about her life changing experience as a Google Certified Innovator. When I shared this was one of my dreams, she encouraged me to apply, after all I am Level 2 Certified. She inspired me with her stories from Sydney and how being a Google Certified Innovator has impacted her. 

After listening to her new podcast with @lancekey,  Get Inspired and Innovate, I am even more inspired to try- what do I have to lose? Nothing- But what could I gain?

I have until August 1st to make it happen- I got this!

3.  Power Up with Visible Thinking at #WISSIT19

Last year, I went to #WISSIT18 at Washington International School for the first time and learned about @ProjectZero initiatives with both making and thinking routines. I came back to school inspired and applied what I learned. I also took a Visible Thinking course from Harvard's School of Education with some of my colleagues.

So why go back for a second round at #WISSIT19? 

I loved #WISSIT18 and learned so much, but there is so much more to learn to amplify student voice and help student demonstrate their thinking. This year, I plan to attend sessions by some of my Project Zero heroes to further refine my use of Project Zero practices. These sessions include:

But more than that, I want to learn and connect with other educators who are as passionate about this work as I am. I want to help my students share their voice- empower creativity and other 21st century skills.

4. Take #ClassyVideos with Tony Vincent

How could I forget? I can't wait to learn how to make videos sticky with this amazing course. 

So as you can see, I have my work cut out for me. In addition, with being destaffed and in 2 schools this coming school year, I am still looking for a full time position at one school @ourFCPS. But if I have learned anything this year, it is this quote from Culturize  by Jimmy Casas

I am going to make this summer great and thrive!

What are your professional learning goals this summer?

Join the #8weeksofsummer blogging challenge and share your aspirations for this summer.

Check out my Techy Lab Blog Archives @Techy Notes