Summer Professional Learning  Journey Check In - 7/23/19

This post is week 7 of 8 in the 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge for educators. This week's question is:

Professional Learning: 

Check-in on where you are in your summer learning journey and your overall professional journey.

This summer, I had many goals for my professional learning. Each one is meant to help me increase my capacity in areas of learning I love. Here they are with a current update on each of them:

1. Be a Bold Educator Activating Change at #ISTE19 

This goal was one I definitely met. While at ISTE19, I took every opportunity presented to me to be bold. That meant going out of my comfort zone and taking new risks. These risks resulted in amazing connections. I met so many educators from around the world, including some of my #eduheroes. I also got to experience fantastic sessions and events. There is not one thing about ISTE19 that I would change. It was such an inspiring conference that I came back from it and the next day, I interviewed for my new position and was offered it less than an hour after I left the interview. ISTE19 lit me on fire and reminded me of the power and impact of our #PLN.

2. Rock the Google Trainer Skills Assessment and prepare both my Google Trainer and Innovator applications

This goal I haven't made as much traction on. Due to getting a new job, I haven't dedicated enough time to this goal and am now looking at it as more of a yearlong goal, especially getting Google Certified Trainer. As far as being a Google Certified Innovator, I am definitely going to try to finish that up by 8/2/19, knowing that it's okay either way.

3.  Power Up with Visible Thinking at #WISSIT19

Since WISSIT19 is from July 29-August 2, this goal is yet to be accomplished. 

4. Take #ClassyVideos with Tony Vincent

This has absolutely been a highlight of my summer. This course is amazing and I have learned SO MUCH! Each Tuesday, I look forward to Tony's video explaining the topic of the week, especially with his daughter's "Gear Spotlight." Each topic is open-ended and I love seeing others' projects and sharing my own. He is offering his Classy Graphics in the fall and I definitely plan on attending. If you get an opportunity to take this class, run, don't walk and register!

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