Why a Blog? Taking that First Leap- February 1, 2019

In January 2019, I decided to join two Twitter book studies: #isteten/ #edumagic, where we were reading Edumagic  and #ETCoaches where we were reading Learning Supercharged. On Day 2 of both of these book studies, participants were asked to share a website, blog, etc to help others get to know them. I had neither of the two, but enthusiastically shared my Twitter feed.

Through reading both of these books (I am about half way through both), the idea of reflection kept coming through. Both texts shared how important reflection is to you as a learner and as an educator.

Being the overachiever, I am- while doing these two book studies, I had also taken a risk and finally joined Instagram for @gcouros Innovator's Mindset book club. Once again- reflection!

It is a process that is crucial to innovation, as if ensures we're asking valuable questions, such as "What worked? What didn't? What would we/I change? What questions do I have moving forward?

So here I am- posting my first blog. I remember @Shake Up Learning sharing on the Google Teacher Tribe how nervous she was to share her first blog and that nervousness kept her from taking that leap. Well, here I am, taking that leap and ready to share those thoughts with all of you.